V1.11 (Survival-update #1) released
Today I found a critical bug (menus weren‘t disabled for non local players, which caused that the looked horrible and sometimes they weren't working). So I decided to release the first survival update a little bit earlier. I also changed the spawning. You spawn now at a randomized position on the z-axis on a planet (for each seed and player the spawn position is still the same). It's now also possible to spawn in the mountains, because since the last update, they are not so annoying like before.
Change log:
new features:
- body temperature
- ice on water
- making fire with spheres (lenses) and tinder
- the calculation of the playerstatus (to increase the flexibility)
- spawn point is now at a random z-coordinate
- spawn in the mountains is now possible
bug fixes:
- menus weren‘t disabled for non local players
- wrong data in weather display
- loading of an object wasn‘t working, if there was an destroyed object
Get Blockiverse
A sandbox building game, which take place in a whole universe.
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