V1.15 (Character model) released + video

Today I released V1.15 (Character model update) and made a video about it.

Change log:
new features:
- new character model
- added particle system to humans to display make love

bug fixes:
- the join game button wasn‘t working
- if players died during broken into ice, the ice handler didn‘t stop during respawn
- reduced data trash
- increased performance
- children weren‘t detroyed during respawn as child, if child was in an active chunk
- the reset of the options didn‘t reset the character

- all dynamically generated folders are now in the „generated“ folder
- now all spawners spawn only one object (except dust bunnies)
- dust bunnies give 100 times more wool
- you have to wait until the animation of a social interation is over, before you are able to request a new one


Blockiverse_1_15.zip 199 MB
Dec 28, 2020

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